Welcome to the revolution of LEGAL cashless ATMs!

Budtender selling

Boost your sales and customer satisfaction

Can you imagine being forced to pay cash at a store?

Once your client withdraws their $20 from the ATM, they may feel limited in how much they can spend at your store. And let's face it, who wants to go back to the ATM and pay another fee just to take out more cash? With cashless ATMs, your clients can spend freely and take full advantage of the products and offers you have available. Not only will they be happier, but you'll also see a boost in sales.

Gift Cards customized with your logo

With shoppers spending upwards of $25 billion on gift cards every holiday season, marijuana dispensaries and other cannabusinesses would be wise to take advantage of such a potentially profitable offering.


  • Increased spending
  • Potential for new clients
  • Increased loyalty
  • Re-loadable and e-cards available
Gift card


Reduced Security Risk

No one can guarantee zero crime, but you can minimize it by reducing the vulnerability of handling and moving cash, thereby reducing the security risks. By keeping less cash on hand, you also decrease the likelihood of your dispensary becoming a target for theft and robbery.

Completely legal

  • We are fully legal in every state where cannabis is legal.  We built our system from the ground up with no dependency on Visa or M/C.
Legal states

and more......

  • Accept any debit cards and PIN-enabled credit cards, which effectively reduces chargebacks or the chance of fraudulent transactions
  • Customers pay the transaction fees.
  • Low monthly fees to dispensaries.
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.


  • Settlement as early as next business day.
  • Full reporting access to your transactions.
  • Quick, easy onboarding and setup after approval. No integration with the POS system necessary.
  • Flexible connectivity for Store-front, Curbside and Delivery businesses.
  • Maximum security and compliance with end-to-end encryption.


How can we help you succeed?

Every business is unique, just like you. We understand the importance of getting to know you and your specific needs. Our goal is to provide honest information tailored to fit your situation, without any pushy sales tactics.


Every State is unique

We're curious about where you conduct your business so we can tailor a solution that perfectly meets your individual requirements.

The second customer benefit

What's your business style?

Whether it's online, curbside, in-house, gift cards or rewards programs, we've got all the solutions you need..


How do we do business?

We're not your average Joe. Our products are legal in every state where dispensaries are allowed, both for medical and recreational use. Allow us to introduce ourselves and show you how we stand out from the crowd.